Saturday, October 24, 2009

Crematorium Power Station???

Hey everyone, Shawn here. I read this over on Yahoo! Videos, and thought it was something worth mentioning on the blog. Apparently, over in southern Sweden, a small town is being energy efficient in a very odd and uncommon way. After the ashes have been removed from the furnaces, a crematorium in the town is diverting the 800 degree heat to warm the water supply for the resident's central heating. I, personally, see nothing wrong with doing this. They are just taking the heat and heating the pipes, not the water directly. It may seem a bit out there, but if you think about it, they are saving a hell of a lot of energy by doing this! Watch the quick 1 minute video below from Yahoo!

So what do you think?
Should they be doing this with the crematorium?

Hope to talk again soon!

Shawn Winner

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