Scary, that picture, isn't it?
According to a 60 Minutes/Vanity Fair poll released Monday, the country is overwhelmingly progressive. This "revelation", as if it should even be considered as such, comes just as the new Congress convenes. Newly elected House Republicans have promised to roll back all reforms that have been enacted since President Obama has taken office. Health Reform, Wall Street Reform, Student Loan Reform, all these things that we have worked tirelessly for, are being placed in the Republican's cross-hairs.
When asked what they thought should be done to balance the budget, Americans answered loudly, clearly, and unmistakably. 61% said that we should increase taxes on the rich. A close second? Cutting defense spending, at 20%.
Only 4% were interested in cutting Medicare, with only 3% wanting to cut Social Security. Washington will most assuredly dislike this news, they were just getting ready to cut social security. The president's Debt Commission, the entirety of the GOP, and even some members of the Democratic party are in favor of cutting social security. This all coming after them giving away $407 billion in tax cuts to the rich.
Obviously the American people are in conflict with Washington. This is fact. This isn't just another, "What the American people want" cliche. If Washington continues to deface the American people in this way, if the Democrats, Republicans and the president persist in trying to cut Social Security in the face of these numbers, then we will know that we have lost our democracy altogether. That the people in power couldn't give a damn what we want. That the take over of the American government by the corporations, the rich and the powerful is complete.
Every time you hear any politician or pundit say we have to cut Social Security or what they derisively call entitlement programs (you paid into them your whole life, that is why you are "entitled" to them), send them this poll. And ask them why they don't care at all about the will of the American people.
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