During his "Moving America Forward" rally, President Obama narrowly dodged what could have been a very serious presidential security incident.
While President Obama was closing his speech, an attending author threw his paperback book at the back of the president, who just missed the projectile.
There is no doubt that this was a publicity move. When the secret service spoke to the man, he told them that he was a "staunch Obama supporter", and only "wanted the president to have a copy of his book".
The man was released without any of the publicity he had tried to attain. Neither his name nor the name of his book has been released by the secret service.
This story wasn't picked up by any of the major US media outlets, although the UK was quick to pick up on the flying book.
You can see the book sail past President Obama's head in the video below:
Between President Obama's ability to catch a fly out of thin air, dodge bullets, and the recent spotting of him using a light saber, I think it's safe to say that he's a jedi...
Now if only he could use the Jedi mind trick on the Republicans in Congress...
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