Corny "Big Brother" reference, I know...
It seems that Google, the internet search giant, has gotten itself in a bit of a pickle. They have accidentally collected hundreds of gigabytes of citizens data across dozens of countries over the past three years, and are now being harassed for the information from multiple organizations.
Apparently, they accidentally harvested the information from WiFi networks that their Google Maps vehicles picked up. Google uses these vehicles to take panoramic pictures of streets and their surroundings, then provides them online for users to access on Google Maps' "Street View".
Google claims that it had been working on some early project, but ultimately gave it up. They accidentally left some of the code behind though, as it began picking up information such as personal emails, website history, locations of users, and other information. Google didn't realize this until Germany questioned what type of information the Google vehicles gathered.
The information is currently secured on an encrypted hard drive in the Portland, Oregon, federal courthouse. It is being demanded by France, Spain, and Germany; as well as multiple states in America.
I don't know what to believe at the moment. Google is a very legitimate company. Remember when they refused to hand out search records to the US government back in 2006, even after Microsoft and Yahoo readily handed their info over? Google's motto is "Don't Be Evil", for god's sake!
What do you think?
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