Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Fathers Day!

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From the first moments of life, the bond forged between a father and a child is sacred. Whether patching scraped knees or helping with homework, dads bring joy, instill values, and introduce wonders into the lives of their children. Father's Day is a special time to honor the men who raised us, and to thank them for their selfless dedication and love.

Fathers are our first teachers and coaches, mentors and role models. They push us to succeed, encourage us when we are struggling, and offer unconditional care and support. Children and adults alike look....

...up to them and learn from their example and perspective. The journey of fatherhood is both exhilarating and humbling -- it is an opportunity to model who we want our sons and daughters to become, and to build the foundation upon which they can achieve their dreams.

Fatherhood also carries enormous responsibilities. An active, committed father makes a lasting difference in the life of a child. When fathers are not present, their children and families cope with an absence government cannot fill. Across America, foster and adoptive fathers respond to this need, providing safe and loving homes for children facing hardships. Men are also making compassionate commitments outside the home by serving as mentors, tutors, or big brothers to young people in their community. Together, we can support the guiding presence of male role models in the lives of countless young people who stand to gain from it.

Nurturing families come in many forms, and children may be raised by a father and mother, a single father, two fathers, a step-father, a grandfather, or caring guardian. We owe a special debt of gratitude for those parents serving in the United States Armed Forces and their families, whose sacrifices protect the lives and liberties of all American children. For the character they build, the doors they open, and the love they provide over our lifetimes, all our fathers deserve our unending appreciation and admiration.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, in accordance with a joint resolution of the Congress approved April 24, 1972, as amended (36 U.S.C. 109), do hereby proclaim June 20, 2010, as Father's Day.

I direct the appropriate officials of the Government to display the flag of the United States on all Government buildings on this day, and I call upon all citizens to observe this day with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities. Let us honor our fathers, living and deceased, with all the love and gratitude they deserve.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this eighteenth day of June, in the year of our Lord two thousand ten, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-fourth.



Monday, June 14, 2010

Security Breach In AT&T Email Database

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AT&T has just apologized for a security breach the company found on it's website that leaked 114,000 email addresses of personal and corporate users. On June 9th, the email addresses of US Military members, as well as executives at media, financial, and technology companies and top political leaders such as New York Times Chief Executive Officer Janet Robinson and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg were all stolen by a group of hackers.

“No other information was exposed,” Dorothy Attwood, AT&T’s chief privacy officer said in an e-mail sent yesterday to accounts that may have been affected. “We apologize for the incident and any inconvenience it may have caused.”

“The hackers deliberately went to great efforts with a random program to extract” the information, Attwood said in the e-mail. “They then put together a list of these emails and distributed it for their own publicity.”

Goatse Security, a company hired by AT&T to find and close security gaps, said that the flaw was found in about an hour. In that time, all the damage had already been done. Perhaps more disturbing than just the fact that something like this could happen is that it could be done so fast!

AT&T fell 12 cents to $25.17 at 4:01 p.m. in New York Stock Exchange composite trading. The shares have dropped 10 percent this year.


Sunday, June 13, 2010

Weekly Roundup 6/13/10

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I gotta catch up on some of the articles I've missed since the last roundup, as well as the new articles! Enjoy!

Censorship Paper (5/14/10)-I wrote a 5 page essay on the topic of censorship in government, citing events such as the Comstock Act, the Pentagon Papers, and other such notable topics. Click here to view this post

Pakistan Banning Social Networking Sites & BlackBerry (5/25/10)- I detail the reasons behind Pakistan's recent banning of Flickr, Facebook, Myspace, Youtube, and 500-1000 other websites, as well as BlackBerry service. Click here to view this post

Jon Stewart Reports: BP Oil Spill Update (6/10/10)- I included a video of Jon Stewart giving his view of the oil spill, it is quite funny and worth the 10 minutes the video costs you. Click here to view this post

Israel's Deadly Assault On Humanitarian Flotilla (6/10/10)- Democracy Now! released exclusive footage from on-board the ship that Israel attacked, and I include it in my post for you to watch. I also included a poll asking you whether you support Israel's actions. Click here to view this post

Congress To Vote On "Big Oil Bailout" Today (6/10/10)- Thank god Sen. Murkowski's bill didn't pass... I give some background info on the so called "big oil bailout" that congress was voting on. Click here to view this post

"Corrective Rape" To Cure Homosexuality (6/11/10)- I include the story of Millicent Gaika, a 30-year-old lesbian South African woman who was raped for 5 hours by a man trying to "make her straight". This is just one of over 520 stories that come out of South Africa every year. Click here to view this post

Big Google Is Watching You (Inadvertently) (6/11/10)- Google has accidentally harvested hundreds of gigabytes of user information from wireless networks over the past three years. Read on for the full story. Click here to view this post

Pres. Obama Demands BP Pays Up (6/13/10)- President Obama plans on meeting with BP executives this week to negotiate a escrow account that will be used to pay damages caused by the oil spill. Click here to view this post

Soccer FAIL! (6/13/10)- Just a funny (or not so funny( little thing someone happened to notice during the FIFA world cup... Click here to view this post

Revisiting The Fun Theory (6/13/10)- A while back we watched some videos from The Fun Theory. It seems they have released one final video before hitting the road. Click here to view this post


Revisiting The Fun Theory

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Remember a while back we looked at a cool new website called The Fun Theory? Well, it seems that they have a new video out! It's called the Bottle Bank Arcade, and it's purpose is to make people recycle their bottles by making it fun!

Watch the video below and see this cool new game! Press the center of the screen to play the video.

Sadly, it seems as if their website ( is no longer accessible, so it must have been shut down. It was very fun while it lasted, though!


Soccer FAIL!

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Are you kidding me, how stupid can you be? You'd think someone would have noticed this...


Pres. Obama Demands BP Pays Up

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President Obama is scheduled to meet with top BP executives this week to demand they set up an escrow account to help pay for damages to the Gulf caused by the oil spill. The account will be managed independently and will help to quickly pay compensation to businesses and workers such as fisherman, oil workers, hotels, restaurants, tour boats and other members of the dwindling tourist market down south. 

Governors from the states of Florida, Mississippi, and Alabama have claimed that their tourist season has already been badly damaged. Governor Haley Barbour of Mississippi blamed sensational press coverage that has scared away potential tourists who believed, wrongly, that his states beaches had been fouled.

BP had originally stated that it would pay all "legitimate" claims arising from the oil spill. Some fear the company will declare bankruptcy or be taken over by another company in an effort to limit its liability.

On Saturday, Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron spoke by phone and sought to ease any diplomatic tensions between the two over the handling of the oil spill. While Obama has been under pressure in the United States to take a strong stand against BP, Cameron has been under pressure in Britain to stand behind the oil giant, whose stock is crucial to British pension funds.


Friday, June 11, 2010

Big Google Is Watching You (Inadvertently)

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Corny "Big Brother" reference, I know...

It seems that Google, the internet search giant, has gotten itself in a bit of a pickle. They have accidentally collected hundreds of gigabytes of citizens data across dozens of countries over the past three years, and are now being harassed for the information from multiple organizations.

Apparently, they accidentally harvested the information from WiFi networks that their Google Maps vehicles picked up. Google uses these vehicles to take panoramic pictures of streets and their surroundings, then provides them online for users to access on Google Maps' "Street View".

Google claims that it had been working on some early project, but ultimately gave it up. They accidentally left some of the code behind though, as it began picking up information such as personal emails, website history, locations of users, and other information. Google didn't realize this until Germany questioned what type of information the Google vehicles gathered.

The information is currently secured on an encrypted hard drive in the Portland, Oregon, federal courthouse. It is being demanded by France, Spain, and Germany; as well as multiple states in America.

I don't know what to believe at the moment. Google is a very legitimate company. Remember when they refused to hand out search records to the US government back in 2006, even after Microsoft and Yahoo readily handed their info over? Google's motto is "Don't Be Evil", for god's sake!

What do you think?


"Corrective Rape" To Cure Homosexuality

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That headline caught your attention, huh?

I feel it extremely necessary for me to tell you the following story:

Millicent Gaika is a 30-year-old South African woman. On a Friday night, she was walking home with some friends after a night out. As they approached their house, a man outside asked if anybody in the group had a smoke. Millicent did. She stayed outside with the man, someone she knew, and allowed her friends to walk on.

A few minutes later, the man locked Millicent in his apartment, beat her, and raped her, screaming at her during the ordeal.

"I know you are a lesbian. You are not a man, you think you are, but I am going to show you, you are a woman. I am going to make you pregnant. I am going to kill you," the man yelled, as he raped Millicent for five hours, trying to make Millicent straight.

If you think this story sounds horrific, multiply it by 520, as that's the average number of stories of "corrective rape" reported in South Africa each year, according to ActionAid. And that number doesn't account for the dozens, if not hundreds of other cases of "corrective rape" not reported.

In South Africa, there is an epidemic of rape geared toward LGBT people, particularly lesbians, in an effort to turn them straight. Yet, while countless organizations and reports have labeled "corrective rape" a nationwide problem, South African authorities have not yet done enough to hold perpetrators accountable, and curb corrective rape's rising tide. It's time to demand justice now.

How much longer can the government stay silent in the face of this epidemic? Demand that South African President Jacob Zuma, and his Minister of Justice, make this a priority. With a quarter of all women being raped by the time they can drive a car, and upwards of 10 women per week coming forward to say that they've been raped in an effort to "turn them straight," South Africa cannot delay any longer.

Millicent Gaika's story is heart-breaking. As is Eudy Simelane's, Anelisa Mfo's and the countless others who have been swept up in South Africa's culture of rape. The crimes committed against them are horrible. Let's make sure that their pain and suffering didn't happen in vain.

Please, sign the petition to force this issue upon the government of South Africa. They currently have 1,369 signatures out of a necessary 1,500. Click Here to sign, I did.


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Congress To Vote On "Big Oil Bailout' Today

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Update: Sen. Murkowski's bill failed in the senate, 47 to 53. Six democrats crossed over: Mark Pryor, Evan Bayh, Ben Nelson, Jay Rockefeller, Blanche Lincoln, and Mary Landrieu. No Republicans voted against Murkowski.

So, there is some pretty interesting stuff going on in Washington today. Sen. Lisa Murkowski has brought a bill to the floor that would ban the EPA from regulating greenhouse gas emissions. Say wha?!? If not the EPA, then whom?!? Well, according to Sen. Murkowski, that power should be reserved for congress.

"Such regulation will ultimately endanger job creation, economic growth and America's competitiveness," Murkowski said.

Apparently, if something has even the slightest chance of costing America any money whatsoever,  its a no go with congressional republicans. It doesn't matter if over 250 species will be extinct by the year 2050 (national geographic).

You might recall that Kerry and Lieberman had been working on a climate bill a bit back, they proposed it in May. Of course, it wasn't supported by people like Sen. Murkowski. Kerry actually brought up quite a good point:

"If you don't want the EPA to do it, then the Senate needs to provide some adult leadership to pass a comprehensive climate and energy bill instead of keeping our heads in the sand and then tying the hands of the EPA"


Israel's Deadly Assault On Humanitarian Flotilla

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Democracy Now! has released exclusive footage from on-board the Mavi Marmara. It shows the true mood on the flotilla as it was brutally attacked by Israel. Most of the footage had been confiscated by Israel but some was smuggled out.

Watch the video below.
(You can view the video full screen by clicking the button on the bottom of the video, it looks like )

Although I have a pretty good idea about what the readers of this blog might think, I feel I should attach a poll asking whether you support Israel's actions. Israel has tried to claim that many of the individuals on the boats were terrorists, and that they had an obligation to protect themselves. What do you think?


Jon Stewart Reports: BP Oil Spill Update

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The recent news out of the gulf has been anything but funny. Leave it to Jon Stewart to fix that! Now it's time for a satirical look at the horrid scenes down south...

How stupid are news anchors? I mean, picking up oil, wtf??? You simply must be kidding me...

Thanks again Jon!
