Monday, November 23, 2009

Visible Vote Program for Windows!

I have recently been using a program for my blackberry called Visible Vote, which I got for free, and I found out that it is now available for the computer as well! Here is a description of the program off of Visible Vote's website:

Visible Vote allows you to Vote on the Bills your legislators are voting on and it then updates your Legislators with your voting preference. It also allows you to write congress personal letters from your desktop easily, monitor where people in your state stand on the issues, and much more!
  • Sends an overview letter every week to your legislators on how YOU and others in his/her district are voting.
  • Automatically provides feedback to you when senators vote for or against you.
  • Update you via email when a new Bill is coming up for vote.
  • Send a letter to your Legislators through Visible Vote.
  • Track how your legislators are voting on issues you care about.
  • Vote on the same Bills as your legislators.
  • Look at each issue your legislator agrees or disagrees with you on.
  • Check the State Vote Tallies for each bill and see where every State stands on an issue.
  • Look at your legislators voting record on the major legislation.
I personally recommend Visible Vote, it is very neat, and free! To download, click here , or go to the Visible Vote homepage at

Are you going to download Visible Vote?

Shawn Winner

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